Injectable Sealant

<p>#1 Seller for Dowtherm and Hot Oils | Heat curing, Pliable putty-like consistency, Excellent travel, Gray color. Customer feedback reports applications up to 1250ºF (677ºC). Below 550ºF (288ºC), speed up the cure by adding 103-P Accelerator. Shelf-life is 6 months in closed containers. Refrigerated storage recommended. </p><h2>Applications</h2><p>Flanges, Valves, Enclosures, Hot oils, Dowtherm, Gasoline, Hydrocarbons. </p>


  • Begins to cure above 200ºF (93ºC)
  • A positive seal can normally be reached before a full cure


  • Service Rating
    • 250ºF to 950ºF (121ºC to 510ºC)


5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons